2 City Ham Biscuits

2 City Ham Biscuits waffle House Calories

Enjoy 2 City Ham Biscuits at Waffle House for only US$5.60. You get two tasty biscuits with yummy ham inside. Want more? Add some Hashbrowns for US$3.10. Want extra flavor? Put an egg on both biscuits for US$0.80 (180 Calories) or add cheese to each biscuit for US$1.0

2 City Ham Biscuits waffle House Calories

2 City Ham Biscuits Calories

2 City Ham Biscuits560
Egg (optional)180
Cheese (optional)100

2 City Ham Biscuits Calories Burn Time

Eating breakfast20 minutes
Adding toppings5 minutes
Enjoying a meal30 minutes
Total55 minutes

By following these simple tips, you can make healthier choices that fit your calorie needs and keep you feeling good.

Grilled Ham Sandwich Calories

Check LabelsRead food labels to understand the calorie content per serving.
Control PortionsAvoid overeating, even healthy foods, to manage calorie intake.
Pick Healthy FoodsPrioritize low-calorie choices like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.
Balance Your PlateCreate balanced meals with diverse proportions of vegetables, fruits, protein, and grains.
Watch ExtrasUse toppings, sauces, and dressings sparingly as they can contribute significantly to calorie intake.
Plan MealsPlan meals beforehand to make informed and healthy choices.
Drink WaterWater helps with hydration and can reduce unnecessary snacking due to mistaking thirst for hunger.
Listen to Your BodyEat based on your hunger cues, stopping when you feel satisfied and avoiding overeating.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

A 2 City Ham Biscuit from Waffle House has 970 calories.

A Ham Biscuit is a homemade biscuit with thick slices of country-style ham folded inside.

Yes, you can customize the 2 City Ham Biscuits by adding:

  • Egg(s): + US$0.80 per egg.
  • Cheese: + US$1.00 for cheese on both biscuits.
  • Hashbrowns: + US$3.10 for a side of hashbrowns.

Final Words

The two city ham biscuits at Waffle House are delicious but have a lot of calories. Eating foods high in calories too often can be unhealthy. It’s fine to enjoy these biscuits sometimes, but try to eat a mix of different foods, including fruits and vegetables, to stay healthy and strong.

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