2 Country Ham Biscuits -Waffle House

2 Country Ham Biscuits Calories and Price 2024

Enjoy the tasty satisfaction of 2 Country Ham Biscuits for just $5.60. Each meal has two grilled biscuits topped with savory City Ham, giving you a hearty start to your day. Want more? Add a side of Hashbrowns for only $3.10 for even more flavor and filling.

Add an egg to both biscuits for $0.80 (180 calories) or cheese to each biscuit for $1.00 (100 calories). With these options, our 2 City Ham Biscuits at Waffle House can be customized to fit your breakfast cravings, giving you a tasty and satisfying start to your day. All this for just $7.45.

2 Country Ham Biscuits Calories

2 Country Ham Biscuits Calories

Total Fat24
Saturated Fat10
Total Carbohydrate37
Dietary Fiber2

2 Country Ham Biscuits Calorie Burn Time

The time to burn off 430 calories depends on weight and exercise intensity.

Walking50 minutes
Jogging37 minutes
Biking37 minutes
Swimming40 minutes
Dancing40 minutes
Strength Training50 minutes

2 Country Ham Biscuits Breakdown

  • Fat: 49.1%
  • Protein: 17.3%
  • Carbohydrates: 33.6%
Know Your NeedsDetermine your daily calorie requirement based on age, gender, weight, and activity level.
Read Food LabelsUse food labels to track calorie intake and choose options within your daily limit.
Prioritize Nutrient-Dense FoodsSelect foods rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber while staying mindful of calorie content. Examples include fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and healthy fats.
Control Portion SizesBe mindful of serving sizes. Utilize measuring tools or visual cues to avoid overeating.
Create Balanced MealsInclude a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats in each meal for balanced nutrition and satiety.
Consider AdditionsOpt for healthy toppings or side dishes like vegetables instead of calorie-laden options.
Enjoy Treats MindfullyIndulge in occasional treats, but practice moderation and factor them into your daily calorie budget.
Listen to Your BodyEat based on hunger and fullness cues, stopping when satisfied rather than exceeding your calorie needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Country Ham was named after it started in rural areas like Kentucky and Virginia. People there smoked and dried it. Nowadays, “country ham” describes how it’s preserved, not where it comes from.

Two Country Ham Biscuits from Waffle House have 970 calories.

They can be served warm or at room temperature. They are often served alongside other breakfast or brunch items like eggs, grits, or fruit.

Final Word

In conclusion, 2 Country Ham Biscuits from Waffle House offers a tasty and filling meal, perfect for breakfast or any time. Country ham, originally from rural areas like Kentucky and Virginia, adds a savory flavor to the grilled biscuits. You can make your meal just as you like by adding hashbrowns, eggs, or cheese. While enjoying these biscuits in moderation is important because of their calorie content, they provide a satisfying treat to start your day.

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